Zenyu Pictures
- Strenuous exercise is the key to physical fitness.
- KSD & Zenyu Senior competitors all placed at the National H.S. Tourney in May.
- Zenyu Judo Dojo supported the KSD Judo squads visit to Honolulu, HI for the 2011 Grassroots National H.S. Championships.
- Zenyu Judo Dojo Jr awards receipients.
- Senior Promotions at Zenyu.
- Holden postitions himself for an attack at the Ippon Dojo Future Stars Competition.
- Coach Fujimoto coaches a Zenyu Judo Jr. fighter during competition at Ippon Dojo.
- Placers display their ‘hardware’.
- 2011 saw the institution of ‘Smurf’ Thursdays. These ‘smurf’ judoists demonstrate the ‘Zenyu Smurf Crawl’.
- Zenyu Jr. fighters going through their single practice regimen.
- Zenyu Smurfs…laughing and joking in the so-called ‘jokey-waza’stance…this only happens on Smurf Thursdays.
- Athena Davis receives her promotion certificate after vieing in Zenyu Nite competitions.
- Sensei Craig Fujimoto and Holden after his first tournament win.
- Zenyu Judo Dojo Jr. class awards.
- One Zenyu student helping another with an injury.